
We use catkin to build our tools. So make sure that you have a working catkin workspace.

Prerequisites & Dependencies

The roboy_communication_cognition package. It can be found in the roboy_communication repository ( Best practice is to store the repository in the source folder of your catkin workspace.

libgstreamer1.0-0, libgstreamer1.0-dev, libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0, libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly & gstreamer1.0-plugins-good, fftw3, libgflags-dev To have them installed, you need to simply do sudo apt install <package_name>

In addition doa_estimation is just build and executable on a Raspberry Pi, since it uses it’s Libraries and the current version just works with a Matrix Creator and a Pi.

Using command line

Clone the audio repository into the source folder of your catkin workspace. git clone /path/to/catkin_workspace/src/roboy_audio

Navigate to your catkin workspace. cd /path/to/catkin_workspace

Make the packages. The available packages are: doa_estimation, roboy_audio_stream catkin_make --pkg <package_name>

Have fun with roslaunch. Start the direction of arrival estimation roslaunch doa_estimation matrix_doa.launch

Capture and stream audio from the default audio source roslaunch roboy_audio_stream capture.launch

Capture and stream audio from the 8 Matrix Creator microphones roslaunch roboy_audio_stream capture_matrix_mics.launch

Start the stream receiver template node roslaunch roboy_audio_stream receive_py.launch

Using IDE (Clion)

Clone the audio repository. git clone

Now open the CMakeLists.txt from the package that you want to edit.